In this context, the Bar Council has for some time been working on a business model for the Bar which gives sets of chambers increased flexibility in bidding for work in new and existing areas of practice and in areas where sets of chambers face increased competition. Following a range of meetings with barristers around England and Wales, the Bar Council Chairman, Nicholas Green QC, has written to the profession outlining in detail how a ProcureCo might work. The documents (which can be viewed in full on the Bar Council website) include guidance on the relationship between the members of chambers and the ProcureCo. The changes are also intended to benefit consumers and large procurers of legal services, which will be able to access the Bar’s high quality services quickly and efficiently,ultimately reducing their legal costs.

Commenting on the launch of the model documents, Nicholas Green QC said:
“We are very pleased to be able to publish the ProcureCo model and guidance. I am aware from numerous conversations with members of the Bar and with clerks and practice managers that the Bar needs greater flexibility in what is a rapidly changing market place. I am confident that the Bar will take the model terms and modify and develop them to suit their particular needs. I have been encouraged by the fact that individual sets of chambers are already setting up ProcureCo type vehicles designed to give Chambers new opportunities. At the Bar Council we will, in addition to working with the Bar on implementation, now continue with our campaign to raise awareness of large purchasers and clients about the excellent value for money which the Bar represents and the extremely high quality of service that it provide.”