Practice Toolset


Can costs overcome barriers to justice?

The Access to Justice Foundation urges barristers to maximise the impact of their pro bono work by applying for pro bono costs orders

14 October 2024 / Access to Justice Foundation

Barristers’ health

There is a pressing need to assess the effect of barristers’ work on our physical  as well as mental health, says Deshpal Panesar KC, so we can construct long and healthy careers

14 October 2024 / Deshpal Panesar KC

AI: the five biggest risks for barristers

Irresponsible use of AI can lead to serious and embarrassing consequences. Sam Thomas briefs barristers on the five key risks and how to avoid them

14 October 2024 / Sam Thomas

Is fair opportunity knocking?

Nikki Alderson explores how we can create, develop and maintain equal opportunity for all – for the good of everyone

14 October 2024 / Nikki Alderson

Become a judge

Brie Stevens-Hoare KC on preparing for judicial appointment applications and the JAC support for underrepresented groups

14 October 2024 / Brie Stevens-Hoare KC

Pupillage special: Making the most of your whirlwind first six

Don’t get lost in the flurry of first six. Nia Marshall shares a few tips to help you get the most out of this time 

09 September 2024 / Nia Marshall

Pupillage special: Spend less and move more

Unconventional and invaluable pupillage advice from Abiodun Olatokun 

09 September 2024 / Abiodun Olatokun FRSA

Pupillage special: Insight into an employed pupillage

David Fardy outlines what to expect, what you will learn, and what you can gain from a pupillage at the employed Bar 

09 September 2024 / David Fardy

Pupillage special: Everything you need to know about the BSB Ethics Exam

If you are in/about to start pupillage, you will soon be facing the pupillage stage assessment in professional ethics. Jane Hutton and Patrick Ryan outline exam format and tactics 

09 September 2024 / Jane Hutton / Patrick Ryan

Pupillage special: What can the Pupil Survey 2024 tell us about pupillage?

The Bar Council reports back on its third pupil survey and signposts support and guidance for this key group of the profession 

09 September 2024 / The Bar Council
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The Spending Review

Our call for sufficient resources for the justice system and for the Bar to scrutinise the BSB’s latest consultation

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