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Jonathan Hall

Job title : Barrister, 9-12 Bell Yard

9-12 Bell Yard is a leading criminal set, whose members also possess specialist knowledge in common law, administrative law, licensing and the regulatory sector. The set undertakes advocacy for City law firms, public prosecution authorities, major corporates, government departments and local authorities. Chambers is authorised to accept appropriate direct and international instructions

31 December 2011
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QASA roadshows

The BSB engaged with barristers across England and Wales in November, specifically to discuss the Quality Assurance Scheme for Advocates (‘QASA’ or ‘the Scheme’).

30 November 2011
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Double trouble for Ministry of Justice


Two separate judicial reviews have been launched against the Ministry of Justice in response to plans within the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill 2010-2011 to cut legal aid.

31 October 2011
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Rallying call to Criminal Bar


Criminal barristers face “tough times” ahead, the new chair of the Criminal Bar Association (CBA) has said. Max Hill QC, of 18 Red Lion Court, said his mission would be to “to raise our chins from the floor”.

30 September 2011
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Sentencing Council


New proposals have been announced regarding sentencing for multiple offences and mode of trial decisions.

30 September 2011
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Judges’ behaviour criticised


In two recent judgments, the Court of Appeal quashed convictions because of the judge’s behaviour during the case. Both matters took place at Kingston on Thames Crown Court and within four weeks of one another, in October and November 2010.

30 September 2011
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Lord Judge warns tabloids


Unfair reporting in a murder investigation could deter witnesses from stepping forward or even jeopardise a future prosecution against someone else, the Lord Chief Justice has said.

31 August 2011
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Criminal Bar hit by fee delays


The Bar Council has been working to resolve delays in the payment of Crown court legal aid fees and travel expenses to criminal law barristers by the Legal Services Commission (LSC).

31 August 2011
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Trial by Ordeal

dowler_rexfeatures_1380007iA media storm followed the conviction of Levi Bellfield for the murder of Milly Dowler. Ali Naseem Bajwa QC examines the fallout from the case

The medieval practice of determining guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused to trial by ordeal has happily long since passed. However, following the conviction of Levi Bellfield for the murder of Milly Dowler, the victim’s family described their experience of the trial as an ordeal and said that they had paid “too high a price” for the conviction. In the ensuing media and, inevitable, political storm the Criminal Justice System came in for intense criticism, much of it centred on a claim that the trial process is balanced unfairly in favour of the rights of the accused over the rights of victims of crime and witnesses. 

31 August 2011 / Ali Naseem Bajwa
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The UN and Libya: Intervention or Interference?

Khawar Qureshi QC sets out the law behind the military intervention in Libya and examines its legality

Libya is no stranger to UN sanctions or bombing by NATO Member State warplanes.

On 15 April 1986, in purported retaliation for alleged involvement of the Libyan regime in terrorist attacks, US planes dropped bombs on Libyan territory.
From 1993 to 2003, Libya was subjected to UN Security Council Resolution based economic sanctions as a result of alleged involvement in the destruction of Pan Am Flight 103 (the Lockerbie bombing). 

30 June 2011
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Bar Council priorities 2025

The Bar Council faces both opportunities and challenges on our key areas this year

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