

International criminal lawyer

Criminal barrister Rory Field bids farewell as Bermuda’s Director of Public Prosecutions and reflects on the benefits of taking his London training overseas  

When did you last stop and think about what you really want from your career?  

21 March 2016 / Rory Field

Sharing something in common

The Commonwealth-in-England Barristers Association is as relevant now as when first set up, write Charlotte Boaitey and Andrew Otchie  

Patricia Scotland QC, Baroness Scotland of Asthal and self-styled ‘child of the Caribbean and of the Commonwealth’, was elected Secretary General Designate of the Commonwealth of Nations in November 2015.  

22 February 2016 / Andrew Otchie / Charlotte Boaitey

Rage against the machines

The legality of drone strikes is riddled with serious questions. The rule of law mandates a post-strike review in every case where a British citizen is executed without trial, writes Emma Fitzsimons 

22 February 2016 / Emma Fitzsimons

The orphaning of future generations

Sheryn Omeri on the destruction of cultural property and the first International Criminal Court prosecution 

18 December 2015 / Sheryn Omeri / Sheryn Omeri

The Fox Scholarship

Applications are welcomed for, and recent scholars reflect upon, this chance to experience the Canadian legal system  

Each year, the Harold G. Fox Education Fund sponsors two scholars to undertake a ten-month placement in a law firm in Toronto.  

23 November 2015

The UN at 70: A legal perspective

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, the Bar Council, in conjunction with the diplomatic community and the UN Association Westminster Branch, hosted a lecture in the Inner Temple Great Hall. Daniel Sternberg reports  

Barristers, diplomats and representatives of the United Nations celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the UN at a lecture in Inner Temple Hall given by Professor Vaughan Lowe QC on 17 August.  

22 October 2015 / Daniel Sternberg
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Crossing frontiers, effecting change

Philip Forsang Ndikum describes how his training at the Bar of England and Wales equipped him for the challenges of practising law in Cameroon  

Africa in miniature 

24 August 2015 / Philip Forsang Ndikum

Under threat

Olivia Percival explains life for lawyers in Colombia, the work of the Caravana and how European support can help  

In Colombia, being a lawyer can be a very dangerous business.  

20 July 2015 / Olivia Percival

Law in an Unrecognised State

Peter Melleney and Chloé Barton explain the legal system in Somaliland and training the Attorney General’s Office  

Somaliland is a self-declared independent state which is bordered by the Gulf of Aden to the north, Somalia to the East, Ethiopia to the south and west and Djibouti to the north-west.  

29 June 2015 / Peter Melleney / Chloé Barton
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International reach

Christian Wisskirchen outlines the international work of the Bar Council 

26 May 2015 / Christian Wisskirchen
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Bar Council priorities 2025

The Bar Council faces both opportunities and challenges on our key areas this year

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