Rohini Teather

Rohini Teather

Rohini Teather is Head of Parliamentary Affairs at the Legal Aid Practitioners Group and a non-practising solicitor.

Articles by this author

Legal Aid Census 2021 – stand up and be counted

The law is broken. Help us prove it, writes Rohini Teather

26 April 2021

Where now for the legal aid Bar?

Barristers gave stark evidence on the sustainability of the publicly funded Bar to the Westminster Commission on Legal Aid, reports Rohini Teather

01 April 2021

The future of the legal aid Bar

The Westminster Commission on Legal Aid is an ambitious cross-party initiative examining the state – and assessing the future – of the socially vital legal aid sector as it emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic

By Rohini Teather

22 January 2021
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Chair’s Column

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The Spending Review

Our call for sufficient resources for the justice system and for the Bar to scrutinise the BSB’s latest consultation

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