Parent and child – Child protection – Grounds for referral to children's hearing. Sheriff Appeal Court: In an appeal concerning grounds for referral to a children's hearing, the sheriff having held two grounds were established in relation to a child ie 'close connection' with a person who had committed a schedule 1 offence and with a person who had carried out domestic abuse, the court considered the meaning of the terms 'close connection' and 'significant contact' as contained in s 67(2) of the Children's Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 and concluded that the sheriff was not entitled to hold on the agreed facts that that the second appellant and the child had a close connection by being members of the same household by virtue of his interpretation of that term in s 67(3)(a) of the 2011 Act, but that he did not err in concluding that they had significant contact by virtue of that term as contained in s 67(3)(b).