European Union – Jurisdiction. The requirement, as set out in art 8(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1393/2007, that the receiving agency should inform the addressee of a document to be served that he could refuse to accept the document if it was not, among other things, written in or accompanied by a translation into either a language which the addressee understood of the official language of the member state addressed, were applicable not only to service of the order itself but also to service of the application for the order. Consequently, both those documents had to be served on the addressee in a language he was deemed to understand within the meaning of art 8(1). To that end, service should be accompanied by the standard form in Annex II to that regulation, which informed the addressee of his right to refuse to accept the document. The Court of Justice of the European Union so held, among other things, in a preliminary ruling in proceedings between the parties concerning a European order for payment procedure.