Sally Robertson

Sally Robertson

Sally Robertson is a barrister at Cloisters. She specialises in the full range of discrimination and employment law. She co-authored Discrimination in Employment: a claims handbook for the Legal Action Group and with Nathaniel Caiden, looks after Cloisters’ Coronavirus Toolkit, now in its 10th edition.

Articles by this author


Why every business needs to care about the menopause

It’s an inevitable life stage for over half the working population, so why – still – the stigma and disregard? Sally Robertson on the impact on business and equality, and the arguments for making the menopause a specific protected characteristic

01 June 2022

The employment-rights impact of remote working

With place being a key determinant of many employment rights, what are the potential legal ramifications of working from home? Brian Napier QC, Sally Robertson and Nathaniel Caiden examine the issues

25 February 2021
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Chair’s Column

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The Spending Review

Our call for sufficient resources for the justice system and for the Bar to scrutinise the BSB’s latest consultation

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