Riel Karmy-Jones KC

Riel Karmy-Jones KC

Riel Karmy-Jones KC is a barrister (Queen’s Counsel) at Red Lion Chambers.

Articles by this author


‘Virginity testing’, hymen surgery and misogyny: what should the law do?

Riel Karmy-Jones QC and Alex Benn examine the question of true consent and whether the law, criminal or otherwise, should allow anyone to perform or undergo hymen surgery if it is not a medical necessity

21 September 2021

Banaz Mahmod: 15 years on, lessons still to be learned

With stricter quarantining restrictions being imposed up and down the country, those in the criminal justice system must be more vigilant than ever against HBV, write Riel Karmy-Jones QC and Nicholas Hall examining the case of Banaz Mahmod, recently dramatized for ITV, its wider impact and heightened relevance today

12 October 2020
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The Spending Review

Our call for sufficient resources for the justice system and for the Bar to scrutinise the BSB’s latest consultation

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