Richard Atkins KC

Richard Atkins KC

Richard Atkins KC, Chair of the Bar

Articles by this author

Separation of powers matters

The need for a strong and independent judiciary has never been more vital

21 October 2019

Tradition is no bad thing

Value vintage! The best traditions of the Bar, finely aged, underpin our quality advocacy

23 September 2019

Musical chairs

Keeping tabs on Boris’s sizeable re-shuffle – practitioners in the top three justice roles bodes well – fees, governance and Brexit

22 August 2019

Be a part of history

The Bar continues to survive, thrive and make history as the Bar Council celebrates 125 years and goes on Circuit for the first time

23 July 2019

Tea leaves and crystal balls

In these fast-moving and turbulent times, the Bar Council’s safeguarding of our profession is a surety – for now

24 June 2019

Things and stuff

A mid-term report from the Bar Chair: big battles still to be won but successes accrue

30 May 2019

Beware of crocodiles

From the Commonwealth Law Association conference in Zambia, where inspiration and rule-of-law reminders abound

18 April 2019

When is a delay not a delay?

Our precious court system is still being used as a guinea pig for a cost-cutting experiment that has not been well-planned

20 March 2019

‘Right-touch’ regulation

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it: how the Bar’s current representative/regulatory model works and why it’s essential to preserve

26 February 2019

Duty calls: improving our lot

Richard Atkins QC tackles the perennial question asked of the Bar Council; all can play their part and look out for the Bar

24 January 2019
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Chair’s Column

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The Spending Review

Our call for sufficient resources for the justice system and for the Bar to scrutinise the BSB’s latest consultation

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