Mrs Justice Lieven

Mrs Justice Lieven

Mrs Justice Lieven is Chair of the COIC Pupillage Matched Funding Grants Committee.

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COIC pupillage matched funding scheme

Nathalie Lieven QC explains the Council of the Inns of Court’s first six funding scheme.

As readers will know this is a very hard time for chambers that rely on publicly funded work, particularly those doing crime. One of the worst consequences of the extreme financial pressure that many chambers find themselves under has been a dramatic fall in the number of pupillages available, again particularly in criminal sets reliant on public funding. Although the reduction in pupillages is wholly understandable, it makes even worse the disparity between the number of people who complete their academic training but are unable to get a pupillage, and must place in jeopardy the future of the criminal Bar.

29 September 2014
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