Mohsin Zaidi

Mohsin Zaidi

Mohsin Zaidi is a barrister (6KBW College Hill) and author of A Dutiful Boy: a memoir of secrets, lies and family love (Penguin Random House: 2020).

Articles by this author

Honest reflections on lockdown: Mohsin Zaidi

Doing a solitary job in a busy world is one thing, but doing a solitary job in a solitary world is quite another – Mohsin Zaidi discusses the impact of lockdown on the mental health of the Bar and why we should all be talking about it

22 January 2021

Barrister's best: Mohsin Zaidi

The cultural life and times of the barrister whose memoir about a gay Muslim’s journey to acceptance and liberation has made headlines

19 August 2020
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Chair’s Column

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Seeking a bright future for the Bar

Sam Townend KC explains the Bar Council’s efforts towards ensuring a bright future for the profession

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