Mary Cowe

Mary Cowe

Mary is a criminal barrister at Guildhall Chambers, Bristol and a member of the Counsel Editorial Board.

Articles by this author


The human cost of digital justice

There’s nothing inherently wrong with cost saving but some things simply deserve to be done face-to-face. Mary Cowe examines the impact of video links outside trial

28 September 2018

Book review: Stories of the Law and How It’s Broken by The Secret Barrister

Publisher: Macmillan (March 2018)
Format: Hardcover (384pp); eBook; audio book
ISBN: 978-1509841103
RRP: £16.99

30 April 2018

Advocate for an engaged profession

Acutely aware of the economic realities facing the profession, Andrew Walker QC, Chair of the Bar for 2018, talks to Mary Cowe about his plans to lead and develop the Bar during his term of office

Drawn to the commercial Bar after a youthful flirtation with economics, Andrew Walker QC is a Chair who understands that to some extent you do have to look at life at the Bar through a business lens, whatever your practice area.

20 December 2017

The good lawyer

Research suggests lawyers need to engage more with their personal morality, but what makes a virtuous professional? Mary Cowe considers the development of practical wisdom at the Bar

During my undergraduate law degree, Lawyer’s Ethics was an optional paper assessed via a two- rather than three-hour exam, and described as a ‘half-course’: cue much hilarity from philosophy student friends about the obvious dearth of ethical proscriptions on lawyers, if there was so little to study it couldn’t fill a whole module.

21 March 2017

Moving on

What’s restorative justice got to do with barristers? Mary Cowe explores its relevance to the Bar, benefits for offender and victim and impact on recidivism

The Restorative Justice Council (RJC) is a national membership organisation that advocates the widespread use of all forms of restorative practice, including restorative justice (RJ). 

26 May 2016
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The Spending Review

Our call for sufficient resources for the justice system and for the Bar to scrutinise the BSB’s latest consultation

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