Louise Crush

Louise Crush

Louise Crush is a Chartered Financial Adviser at Westgate Wealth Management, Partner Practice of St. James’s Place. Called to the Bar in 2015, and with a greater understanding of the sector this provides her with, Louise has spent her time with Westgate building a practice specialising in advising members of the Bar nationally, alongside establishing financial education services for chambers.

Articles by this author


1: ‘It won’t happen to me’ – the case for reconsidering financial protection

In the first of a new series, Louise Crush of Westgate Wealth considers the fundamental need for financial protection

11 July 2024

The 5Ws (and 1H) of financial planning with Westgate

Having supported the Bar for nearly a decade, Louise Crush of Westgate lifts the lid on what ‘financial planning’ for barristers really entails

10 June 2024

How financial advice adds value

Louise Crush explores the value you can measure in monetary terms alongside the many non-tangible benefits to working with a financial adviser

13 May 2024

Navigating the New Tax Year and the Spring Budget

Louise Crush explores the key points and opportunities for tax efficiency

15 April 2024

Newly appointed silks

Is now the time to review your financial position, having reached a career milestone? asks Louise Crush

19 March 2024
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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