Laurence Cooper

Laurence Cooper

Laurence Cooper is a barrister at 3 Dr Johnson’s Buildings. Before transferring to the Bar he was involved in commercial and charity work. 

Articles by this author


At the door of the court: adventures in person

Laurence Cooper rounds up recommendations for recreational pursuits – all within striking distance of court buildings

01 July 2022

Order out of chaos: Professor Jane Monckton-Smith

Upskilling courts with a more forensic approach to domestic abuse, Professor Monckton-Smith talks to Laurence Cooper about her groundbreaking research, identifying patterns of coercive control and use of the homicide timeline

09 November 2021

Choosing a Bar course

Laurence Cooper explores the high-stakes world of choosing a Bar training course provider

01 September 2021

A bridge not too far

Bridging the Bar (BTB) is opening up the Bar to people from non-traditional backgrounds. BTB mentor, Laurence Cooper and his mentee, Jake Acock chat about the mentoring scheme

01 September 2021

Beyond cold rationality: Sir Mark Hedley

Laurence Cooper in conversation with Sir Mark Hedley, discussing a historic trial by Zoom, original sin, and the importance of efficient court processes

25 February 2021
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Chair’s Column

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Investment in justice

The Bar Council will press for investment in justice at party conferences, the Chancellor’s Budget and Spending Review

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