Khawar Qureshi KC

Khawar Qureshi KC

Khawar, Serle Court, specialises in commercial litigation and international arbitration. He has been a Deputy High Court judge since 2013.

Articles by this author


Obituary: Sir Gavin Lightman

Outspoken and unafraid

28 September 2020

Restoring confidence

Judge-led inquiries are a vital tool for accountability and politicians must set an example in this age of mass-media attack, argues Khawar Qureshi QC

Anyone who wishes to understand the background to tribunals of inquiry should read the excellent report of Lord Justice Salmon (as he then was) for the Royal Commission on Tribunals Inquiry in 1966 (Cmnd 3121). 

29 August 2017

Is London still ahead of the game?

Khawar Qureshi QC provides an overview of recent trends and issues relating to the arbitral process

Arbitration as a means of dispute resolution has been utilised for more than a thousand years, and is not a new development. 

27 June 2016
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The Spending Review

Our call for sufficient resources for the justice system and for the Bar to scrutinise the BSB’s latest consultation

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