Gregory Jones KC

Gregory Jones KC

Gregory Jones KC is a tenant at Francis Taylor Building, Temple and Alderman in the City of London.

Articles by this author

Alderman in the City of London

Representing your interests in Farringdon Without, a life in the day of a silk who combines his practice with public service and diplomatic relations

By Gregory Jones QC

13 March 2020

Uncommon counsel (2): Barts, butchers and barristers

Gregory Jones QC relays a short history of barristers’ haunt ‘Farringdon Without’. Never a place for grey-suited City workers, the ward’s past has been a radical and bloody one but in its own way continues to move with the times

As the largest of the 25 wards, Farringdon Without possesses a diversity of trades and professions greater than any other part of the City of London. 

24 January 2017

Uncommon counsel (1): Barristers and the City

Last year, a local issue awoke the Bar’s interest in the City of London. Gregory Jones QC urges barristers to dust off their voting rights and reclaim their voice in the City – on the doorstep of the Inns of Court

Barrister politicians are nothing new. Lincoln’s Inn alone has produced 16 British prime ministers. 

20 December 2016
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The Spending Review

Our call for sufficient resources for the justice system and for the Bar to scrutinise the BSB’s latest consultation

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