Dr Justine Rogers

Dr Justine Rogers

Justine is a Senior Lecturer in Law at UNSW Sydney. Her research focuses on the changes to the legal professions, legal ethics, and lawyers’ identities and work. She is currently chief investigator in an Australian Research Council Linkage grant on the future of the professions. Justine holds a DPhil from the University of Oxford, for which she conducted an ethnographic study of London barristers and pupillage.

Articles by this author


PUPILLAGE SPECIAL: The psychology of pupils

Forewarned, forearmed: Dr Justine Rogers’ insider study of barristers and their pupils found distinct traits and pressures but there are collegiate solutions

‘Pupillage is like doing a marathon with a box in your hands. And inside the box is a glass vase which you need to keep intact, and you don’t get to open the box until the end of the marathon and for all you know the vase broke on day one!’

25 July 2017
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The Spending Review

Our call for sufficient resources for the justice system and for the Bar to scrutinise the BSB’s latest consultation

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