Andrew Langdon KC

Andrew Langdon KC

Andrew was Chair of the Bar for 2017. He was Called to the Bar in 1986 and took Silk in 2006. He has sat as a Recorder since 2002, and became a Bencher of Middle Temple in 2014. From October 2013 until the end of 2015 he was Leader of the Western Circuit.

Articles by this author


Zero tolerance

There must be zero tolerance on sexual harassment at the Bar, writes Andrew Langdon QC

Sexual harassment must not be tolerated at the Bar, or in any other walk of life.

20 December 2017

A parting shot from the chair

Down with overnight emails and judicial micromanagement, let’s give our brilliant young advocates a chance, writes Andrew Langdon QC in his final column for Counsel

So, three things: emails and work/life balance; death by case management; and the future of the profession.

27 November 2017
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Our Legal Services are GREAT. But for whom?

Upper or lower case, if we want our legal services to be truly great we must invest in serving our citizens in their greatest need, argues Andrew Langdon QC

Between 2006 and 2016, the amount spent by our government on legal aid fell from £2.4bn to £1.6bn. 

22 October 2017
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Keeping justice open

We have much to lose, both as a profession and society, if face-to-face court contact is lost and replaced by a second-best form of remote justice, warns Andrew Langdon QC

01 October 2017
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A right, not a commodity

Officious and objectionable Ministry speak betrays an unacceptable misunderstanding of the purpose of administration of justice and should be resisted, argues Andrew Langdon QC

At some point in recent history, I’m not sure when, the language used to describe people who go to court changed. 

29 August 2017
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Reassure the Bar on Brexit

‘No Deal’ is looking ‘No Good’ for lawyers and their clients. Rival jurisdictions are jostling for position. It’s high time the government heeded repeated legal advice, argues Bar Chair

The Bar Council adopted a neutral position during last year’s EU referendum campaign, although in the public interest and in order to try to inform debate we published succinct and accessible papers on the legal consequences of exiting the EU.

25 July 2017
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Not in our back yard

The alarming practice of ‘deport first, appeal later’ has been arrested by the Supreme Court, but the Bar must keep ‘yard rat’ rule-of-law breaches under its eagle-eyed watch

27 June 2017
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Speaking truth to power

With the election upon us and populist threats to the rule of law, it’s time to speak plainly: UK justice needs a staunch defender and a place at the high table, writes Andrew Langdon QC

This month’s column starts in Poland. 

30 May 2017
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Court in the act

Due to the decline in court reporters, justice operates essentially unseen and unheard by the public, writes Andrew Langdon QC. The recent attacks on judges illustrates the need to inform the public of how law works in practice

A recent survey by The Justice Gap has confirmed what many of us suspected. Court reporters, and especially court reporters from local newspapers, have been declining in number for years and may soon be largely a thing of the past. 

25 April 2017
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Justice fault: repair needed

Four years on from LASPO, the wheels of justice are in urgent need of repair, writes Andrew Langdon QC. No hyperbole: policy-makers are fixated on the technological revolution and the Reform Programme and do not want to talk about fixing legal aid

April is the fourth anniversary of the coming into force of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO), a measure which removed legal aid from many sections of our community. 

21 March 2017
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The Spending Review

Our call for sufficient resources for the justice system and for the Bar to scrutinise the BSB’s latest consultation

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