The Guide also contains dedicated sections on each of the Circuits with contributions from each of the Circuit Leaders. These individual chapters focus on aspects unique to each Circuit, their histories and key recent developments, as well as their work within local communities. In addition, the Guide provides information about the Bar Pro Bono Unit, the Bar in Europe, the Employed Bar and the Specialist Bar Associations.

A key objective of the Guide is to inform those considering a career at the Bar and to demonstrate the variety of backgrounds of those practising across the Circuits. Personal insights are provided by young barristers practising on each of the Circuits. They explain how they came to pursue a career in the law and the various projects they are involved in, to encourage those considering a career in law. These personal insights explain what a student can expect from a career at the Bar. These young barristers also offer practical advice based on their own experiences.

The Guide to the Circuits also contains contact details for each of the Circuits, along with details of courts and chambers. Timothy Dutton QC, 2008 Chairman of the Bar, commenting on the launch of the Guide, said:

“The Circuits are the lifeblood of the Bar as this Guide shows. It also reflects the extent to which the profession is now a national resource promoting access to justice, through the provision of specialist advocacy and advisory services.

Barristers perform a vital role throughout the country in the administration of justice, and they make a valuable contribution to the communities in which they live and work.

I hope that The Guide to the Circuits will give the general public, as well as those with whom we work, a better understanding of the profession.”