The easiest way to pay is by logging on to

Support is available for those logging on for the fi rst time, please call the Records Offi ce on 020 7242 0934 or email BarristerConnect@ This is the last year we will be sending out paper renewal notices and so I urge you to familiarise yourself with the online system and to ensure that we have an up to date contact email address for you.

As part of the certificate renewal process, you will be asked to fill in a voluntary diversity questionnaire. Last year, only 5% of you fi lled this in which makes the data retrieved almost meaningless. This is disappointing not least because we use this information to monitor our progress in increasing access to the bar and determining whether the BSB is regulating in a fair and non-discriminatory manner.

This year, please fi ll in this short questionnaire. Click on the ‘my details’ tab and then click on ‘monitoring information’.

If you have any questions about the questionnaire contact