A report by the Panel on Fair Access to the Professions, led by Alan Milburn MP, found that many professions, including law and accountancy, have become more “socially exclusive”.

Milburn said: “Many professions are working hard to put this right but their efforts need to be intensified.”
The Bar Council is compiling information on the numbers of state-educated Bar applicants.

Lord Neuberger set out recommendations for reducing barriers to entry to the Bar, in his 2007 report, which the Bar Council is implementing. Initiatives have included a chambers’ placement scheme, run in conjunction with the Social Mobility Foundation, outreach events, e-mentoring, careers days and internships.

Ingrid Simler QC, Chair of the equality and diversity committee, commented: “Most, if not all, Inns have a programme of outreach to state schools and universities. It is a reasonably positive story.”