£4000 for the winner
£2,500 for the runner up
£1,500 for the best CPE/GDL entry
£1,000 for the runner up CPE/GDL entry
2 x £500 high commended awards
The closing date is 4 October 2012 at 17:00 and prizes for the winning entries will be presented at the Law Reform Lecture in Inner Temple Hall on 15 November 2012.
For full details of eligibility and the rules please see our website at:
www.barcouncil.org.uk/essaycompetition or contact: Wendy McLaughlin
WMcLaughlin@BarCouncil.org.uktelephone 020 7242 0082
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Law Reform Essay Competition 2012
Law Reform Essay Competition 2012
Date: 31 May 2012
£4000 for the winner
£2,500 for the runner up
£1,500 for the best CPE/GDL entry
£1,000 for the runner up CPE/GDL entry
2 x £500 high commended awards
The closing date is 4 October 2012 at 17:00 and prizes for the winning entries will be presented at the Law Reform Lecture in Inner Temple Hall on 15 November 2012.
For full details of eligibility and the rules please see our website at:
www.barcouncil.org.uk/essaycompetition or contact: Wendy McLaughlin
WMcLaughlin@BarCouncil.org.uktelephone 020 7242 0082
The Law Reform Essay Competition for 2012 is again generously sponsored by the Bar Council Scholarship Trust. The competition, which is open to law students and pupils, invites entrants to submit an essay of no more than 3000 words, identifying and making the case for desirable, practical and useful law reform. Prizes are as follows: