

  • Location:


  • Sector:

    Legal Services

  • Job type:


  • Contact:

    Alice Joy

  • Contact email:


  • Published:

    6 days ago

  • Expiry date:

    28 February 2025

The Commission is looking to make further appointments to its panel of Senior Decision Makers

The Guernsey Financial Services Commission is the regulatory body for the finance sector in the Bailiwick of Guernsey. The Commission’s primary objective is to regulate and supervise financial services in Guernsey, with integrity, proportionality and professional excellence, and in so doing help to uphold the international reputation of Guernsey as a finance centre.

The Commission is looking to make further appointments to its panel of Senior Decision Makers who hear and determine issues relating to enforcement matters brought by the Commission. Senior Decision Makers are selected to exercise the Commission’s powers of consideration, determination, and sanction in respect of the Commission’s enforcement powers. In doing so, the Senior Decision Maker has regard to the Explanatory Note on the Investigation and Decision-Making Process Relating to the Use of Enforcement Powers.

Although classified for the purpose of the law as an Officer of the Commission, the terms and conditions of the appointment require the Senior Decision Maker to act in an independent manner. The appointment will be for a period of five years.

Applications are invited from King’s Counsel or other senior practitioners with experience in Regulatory Law. A covering letter and curriculum vitae should be sent by Friday 28 February 2025 for the attention of Alice Joy, Commission Secretary, either by email to ajoy@gfsc.gg or by post to: Guernsey Financial Services Commission, Glategny Court, Glategny Esplanade, St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 3HQ.

Should any applicant require further information about the role, they are asked to contact Alice Joy on 01481 712706.

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