Black Inclusion


We need to continue to talk about race: one year on

If the Bar is complacent on the issue of race, then we will perpetuate the same racial inequities that continue to pervade our society, writes Professor Leslie Thomas QC 


A change has gotta come

Glenn Parsons takes a snapshot of diversity and inclusion at the Bar in 2021 – and shares what barristers on the North Eastern Circuit are doing to make lasting change happen  

23 February 2021 / Glenn Parsons

Meet the Bar’s first reverse mentor and mentee

The pilot scheme’s first pairing, Elisha Lindsay  and Paul Stanley QC , share their thoughts on the BSB’s reverse mentoring initiative and what they have learned from each other so far

08 January 2021

No place for systemic racism

How systemic racism affects the Bar, an audit of the profession’s progress so far, and the structural, cultural and personal change required for meaningful action 

By  Amit Popat  

30 November 2020 / Amit Popat

Barristers look like... Alexandra Wilson

Tackling ‘isms’ from the inside and making global headlines – a remarkable young barrister shares her experience of defying the odds, breaking into an elite profession and challenging attitudes to race and class in the justice system 

By Alexandra Wilson  

30 November 2020 / Alexandra Wilson

What the Bar can learn from... trade unions on equality of opportunity

Unions aren’t an obvious port of call for those at the Bar seeking inspiration for how to widen access and develop talent but we have a number of challenges in common, writes Ijeoma Omambala QC 

11 November 2020 / Ijeoma Omambala KC

We need to talk about race: a mid-term report

Microaggressions in court and everyday racism: what white colleagues don’t have to put up with and a 10-step plan for improving diversity and inclusion. By Professor Leslie Thomas QC 

26 October 2020 / Professor Leslie Thomas KC

A rounded advocate: Sally Penni MBE

Recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for her services to diversity in the workplace, social mobility and law, Sally Penni MBE  talks about her projects outside the courtroom and her driving forces

21 October 2020 / Sally Penni

Opinion: Judges' MRA - sitting to 75 or beyond

Retaining experience or stifling diversity and preserving inequality? An analysis of the BAME impact of the consultation - have your say before it closes on 16 October 2020

24 September 2020

Opinion: The algorithm of injustice

Beyond the intrusiveness of automated facial recognition is concern about ‘false positives’ and potential for racial bias in the technology 

By Sailesh Mehta and Shahid Khan 

21 September 2020 / Sailesh Mehta / Shahid Khan
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